
Power to Observer and Act:

MAP gives back to society, in whatever ways and means; less or more; to the best of our capacity and ability. In spite of being small enterprise to keep the momentum of service initiative along with our routine business, it is our endeavor to humbly serve our poor brethren who can’t even imagine the good life all of us have, but only can dream.

The success comes to those who work hard overcoming all adversities” so is “fortune favors the bold who takeup all challenges of life“. These early morning birds dream of reaching a glory where they can live a life like you and me.

Power to Uplift:

ALL our selfless initiatives, is to serve:

  • After midday meals nutritious, healthy fruits to the children of schools and ashrams.
  • Free Fruits to GOSHAALA (Cow shelter homes).
  • Sponsorship of school books and stationary through likeminded organizations, in rural belt in the surrounding area.